What the heck is a flog?



wife, mom, editor, author, knit potato, yarn dragon

What the heck is a flog?



wife, mom, editor, author, knit potato, yarn dragon

Blog, vlog, and now flog.

While thinking about whether I should keep some kind of yarn diary, I wondered: What would I call that? YLOG came to mind first, since, you know, yarn. But how do you say that without getting your tongue tangled up like that hank I thought I could knit without a yarn swift and ball winder? Why-log? Yuh-log? Yee-log? Nah.

Fiber log? Flog? I was in bed, having a last-minute-before-I-zonk-out brainstorm, and laughed out loud at how absurd it sounded. But then I opened up my Oxford app to double-check the definition of the word, and lo and behold:

informal: promote or talk about (something) repetitively or at excessive length

I was like, Oh ho! That’s totally me and yarn! And thus my flog was born. 🙂

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